Saturday, October 1, 2011


I had brunch with Kevin and Bailey at this beautiful cafe in North Melbourne. Unfortunately, my spinach was so gritty it was making me sick, then Kevin overturned a leaf and there was this MASSIVE clump of dirt! I was so disappointed, but my second meal was $5 and of course the first was waived.

It made my stummy upset all day! Kevin dropped us off to a music store in the outskirts of the city. We ooh'd and aah'd at a lot of guitars but I was picky. I mean, it was a total spontaneous decision to get myself a new guitar but I think I deserve it! I won't spoil myself for a while after this one!

I'm looking at the Martin OOO15M and then installing a K&K pick up! I just didn't want to go choosing a guitar with a pick up just because it came with it. I just love the simplicity of the design. Mahogany is also my favourite wood, followed by ebony.

We then popped into the city to only be slumped by football fans gathering the day before the match for a march. Instead of quickly getting into work on time, we trudged through for about half an hour. It was funny though, so many bogans screaming "GEEEELOOONGGG" or "COLLINGWOOOOD," "CATS" or "MAGPIES!"

WHHHY... would a church hold a service for the AFL grand final? WHY?

I messaged my dad about the guitars and AFL. He told me I had to be a proud 'pie and cheer on Collingwood (they lost, unfortunately).

I brought in coffee to Bailey and wrote a massive 'Faggot' on it.

Bailey's workmate, Simon - no joke - served a customer with those tape dispenser thingies in his eyes. I dropped to the ground and could not stop laughing!

Le Roommates

We popped by an Asian grocer and got ingredients, then Bailey cooked a vegetarian Japanese curry. We fed AJ as well because she has been worrying me with her diet lately! We didn't have rice at home so we had to walk around the corner in the pouring rain to get rice from an Indian cafe.

Michael and all the boys came to visit me last night! I was very happy. One of my friends, Jose is this massive El Salvadorian gorilla and I gave him a strawberry martini to sip on with garnish and all. He sculled it because everyone gave him shit. Hahahaha!

Its daylight savings so we finished up at 4 and cleaned until about 5:30. Then we actually hung about and chit chatted for a while, until 6:30. The sun was peeping out, and I slept at 7 - terribly.

Pinch and punch for the first day of the month! No returns!