Monday, August 13, 2012


Hahaha.. so funny. Its like as soon as I've accepted everything, moved on with everything and then finally dwell that life is great! The big monster throws something else in my face and goes, "HA! TRY THAT!"

My supporting act pulled out because she got sick. And I totally get why, Melbourne winter is a bitch to fight with. I'm trying so hard to not get sick too. BUT WHERE DO I FIND ANOTHER ONE?

I had my first rehearsal with the boys yesterday. I appreciate their help so much, I can really feel that they're trying very hard to learn all this very quickly. I can't imagine what I'd do without them coming on board at such a late notice.

Now I just gotta shop for another Melbourne artist.
Oh this show is derailing in all sorts of ways, definitely a learning curve for an amateur artist like me!