I've been so busy during my weekdays that I'm a pathetic updater. Nothing exciting goes on during my school days anyway. I signed up to a gym this week because it was piss cheap at 300 bucks for 12 months.

I also, surprisingly, have a lot of work to do even after it only being Week 3. Its the non-business core subjects that eat up my time. But some of them are interesting anyway.

I caught up with one of my close friends back in high school. He was up from Sydney. He's a seaman now so time spent with him is a little rare. We had a good catch up but, he's one of the very few people I trust and so we had many laughs about what we've been up to over the years.

I also went to some creative arts event with my best friend Deshna and her boyfriend. There I met a great band called Pink Fur & the Black Coats, and we got talking about music. They invited us out to another gig of theirs up at West End a few days later... and seeing as we all got sucked into how good they were, we actually went after Riverfire. This week was fun full of many different events.

Mum and I also took Michael to Mt Tamborine. It wasn't too exciting but the glow worms were cool. I went over 10 years ago and all I saw was a few dots glowing, but since they've been rehabilitating their colony... the cave was FULL of dots like stars in the sky. They said they started with 300 and now have about 4000. That's pretty good!

Bailey and I haven't talked for a week. I'll be honest and say I'm super sad about it but I've been trying not to think about it. It somehow feels much more painful, maybe because I know this time might be serious. I just miss my best friend.

On another note, I booked flights for my mum to go to Taiwan in 3 days. My grandma fell and something poked through her chest so she's super weak. My grandpa is a little useless so my mum is going back to care for her. I hope she's okay. She'll be away for 3 weeks so it'll just be me and Simba in this big cold house.

Btw, I got Instagram.. so a lot of these photos are cheating but hahaha you can find me at @deenamusic on there!! I don't even have a smartphone, I'm using my mum's. LOL