We woke up to have a hearty breakfast, then decided to take advantage of the late check out so we watched a movie. Then we handed over our luggage and got our day started.

We headed to the Monastery of Jeronimo - the tram took forever to get us there! It was pretty far away! It was a gorgeous church that we got to look at, its crazy how people had spent the time chipping away stone and then putting it all together for the grandiose masterpiece. Crazy.

Then we took a very long walk (it seemed like a short walk on the map). There's not very good transport on this side as oppose to the city so we just walked and walked. The sun was very strong today so we had to take a breather with a Ben & Jerry ice-cream.

We first saw the Padrao Dos Descombrimentos (Monument to the Discoveries) - the statues were grand and was an amazing sight to consume. Can you just imagine the people working at that back then without any electrical equipment? Its just so crazy! And how come we have such technologies now and we don't go make anything so beautiful like this anymore?

Then we took the LOOOOONG walk along the Tagus River to Belem Tower (Portugese for Tower of Bethlehem) which was a defence system built to protect the mouth of the river.

Then we took the long tram back to our hotel where we decided our bags were just way too heavy, so we took some things out and headed to the post office. After we had sent off our parcel it was time - time for our 5pm happy hour juices. We got two each.

We were hungry as we had skipped lunch that day so we went to our favourite restaurant to have our chicken. It was so funny as the guy that was hitting on mum caught us eating elsewhere but he wasn't mad! We were just laughing so hard! He ended up coming over and eating with us, chatting with us before he started work an hour later. Mum is so repelled by men I swear. As soon as she noticed that she was charming the younger fella she's decided to be cold. I told her to just have fun, its not gonna go anywhere and she's in Portugal!

Anyway, we're in the hotel now. Resting up, drinking our second bottle of fresh juice, and I am blogging. We promised we would go over to Paul (mum's Portugese chap) and have dessert and tea.

Tonight we have a night train to Madrid, which is the worse. It just lets you have no sleep at all and then our hotel check in is at 2pm. We arrive at 9am. Its going to be one delirious day in Madrid. No showers too after a 12 hour train ride.

I'm going to miss Portugal. Its a big recommendation to everyone to visit this corner of our world.

Its crazy to comprehend just how many tourists are everywhere at any one time? Its almost like, who's at home? Everywhere we go, there's enough tourists to stock up sightseeing buses, metro lines, buses, trams, every hotel, every location.. its just crazy to try fathom just how many people are in the world. Even flying in the planes.. isn't it crazy that there's so many planes going out at every single airport in the world, and each plane has like over a hundred seats!? I know that there's always at least 500,000 people up in the air. Its so crazy!! I'm going crazy!!

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